Privacy Policy

G Plus Entertainment Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes that it is its social responsibility to properly protect and manage the personal information it handles in the course of its business, and will steadily implement and maintain a management system for personal information protection, while striving for continuous improvement.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The Company will comply with laws and regulations and guidelines related to the protection of personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Laws and Regulations”).

2. Acquisition of Personal Information

When the Company acquires personal information from customers, it will specify the purpose of use in advance, and will acquire the information through legal and fair means with the customer’s consent. In addition, if it becomes necessary to use the customer’s personal information beyond the scope of the specified purpose, the Company will inform the customer of the purpose in advance and obtain their consent. If you do not agree to the new purpose, you may refuse to use the personal information at your own discretion. In addition, if you do not wish to provide your personal information to the Company, you may not provide your personal information at your own discretion (※ In cases where personal information is essential to the provision of services, etc., if you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide the service).

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use personal information for the following purposes. However, we will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your consent.

  • (1) Providing various services to you
  • (2) Responding to your inquiries and questions
  • (3) Contacting you to confirm your reservation details, etc.
  • (4) Shipping products, parcels, etc.
  • (5) Billing, settling, and other information and confirmations related to transactions
  • (6) Providing information, advertising, and surveys related to our and our partner companies’ sales
  • (7) Understanding, analyzing, and improving usage status for the purpose of developing and marketing our and our partner companies’ products and services
  • (8) Improving our website, products, services, etc.
  • (9) Providing membership services
  • (10) Compiling and storing guest lists and complying with related laws and regulations
  • (11) Providing personalized content that meets your needs and preferences
  • (12) Preventing saturation and optimizing the frequency of personalized content provision
  • (13) Using probabilistic methods to match data to the contents of a user profile using different identifiers from various devices
  • (14) Other business incidental to or related to the above purposes of use

4. Purpose of use of personal information

We may use “personal information” to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes described in “3. Purpose of use of personal information”.

When using “personal information”, we do not identify individual customers by collecting personal information such as cookies, IP addresses, browsing history, purchase history, and behavior logs.

5. Provision and joint use of personal information

We may jointly use personal information held by us to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes described in “3. Purpose of use of personal information”.

  • (1) Items of personal information to be jointly used
  •  ① Name, address, telephone number, company name, email address, credit card information, etc.
  •  ② Information automatically collected on our website (IP address, browser type, access date and time, etc.)
  •  ③ Other personal information necessary to provide services to customers
  • (2) Scope of parties to joint use
  •  ① Our business contractors and business partners
  • (3) Purpose of joint use
  •  ① Provision of information on marine activities, etc.
  • (4) Other, to achieve the purposes of use described in ① to ⑭ of “3. Purpose of use of personal information”

7. Entrustment of personal information handling

We may entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to a trusted third party. In addition, we will select the contractor appropriately from the perspective of protecting personal information, and will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the contractor manages personal information safely.

8. Management of personal information

We will take information security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, tampering, leakage, etc. of the personal information we obtain, and strive to take appropriate and reasonable safety measures.

We will promptly dispose of or delete personal information we hold when it is no longer necessary to hold it, such as when the statutory retention period has expired.

9. Contact point for inquiries regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc.

We have set up a contact point to respond to the following inquiries and consultations from customers regarding personal information.

  • (1) Withdrawal of consent obtained from the customer
  • (2) Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of the customer’s personal information
  • (3) Deletion of the customer’s personal information (excluding storage of guest registries, etc. as required by law)

Contact point
G Plus Entertainment Co., Ltd.

10. Revision of personal information protection policy

If there are any important changes to our personal information protection policy, we will announce them on our website. Other changes may be made without prior notice, so please check our website for the latest information at any time. We are not responsible for any troubles caused by not checking. Please note.

About cookies

We use cookies to display the site and analyze browsing conditions in order to improve the convenience of our customers when using this website. Cookies are files that are stored on the customer’s device to make it easier for the customer to enter information and for the website operator to display content that suits the customer.

Purpose of cookies used on this website

  • To refer to the saved registration information and provide customized services
  • To temporarily manage the information entered by the customer
  • To use Google’s Google Analytics service

About the use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to understand the usage of this website. Google Analytics uses cookies issued by our company to analyze the usage of this website.

We receive the analysis results (such as Google Analytic reports on user attributes and interest categories) from Google and understand the status of customers’ visits to this website. The customer information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any information that identifies a specific individual. In addition, such information is managed by Google in accordance with its privacy policy. Please see the Google Analytics website for an explanation of the Google Analytics terms of use, and the Google website for an explanation of the Google Privacy Policy.

Google Analytics Terms of Use

Google Privacy Policy

About Social Media Policy

When we open and use our official accounts (hereinafter referred to as “Official Accounts”) on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LINE, etc.), we establish the following policy. The matters stipulated in this policy shall apply to all users of our official accounts and the associated services (hereinafter referred to as “users”).

Operation guidelines

  • (1) The official accounts opened by our company shall be operated as a place to communicate and share various information about the facilities operated by our company with customers and to realize better communication with customers.
  • (2) Information transmitted through the official accounts shall be transmitted carefully, with the understanding that it is made public to an unspecified number of people and that information once transmitted cannot be deleted.
  • (3) Our company shall comply with the privacy policy and internal regulations regarding the use of social media established by our company separately from various laws and regulations and this policy, and confirm that the sender himself/herself bears the final responsibility for the content of the transmission.
  • (4) Our company does not promise to reply to the content transmitted by users, but if our company deems it necessary depending on the content, we will respond on the official accounts or directly to users.

Content transmitted by our company

  • (1) The content transmitted by our company through our official accounts shall be promotional information such as products, services, events, and promotions related to our company, and general matters related to sales promotion such as local events. Formal announcements of company information, financial information, etc. will be posted on the “Company Information Page” of our website.
  • (2) Information posted on the official account does not necessarily represent our official announcements or views. In addition, the content posted by our employees is the personal content of the sender and does not necessarily represent our company.
  • Prohibited items for our company and users to post
  • Our company prohibits the posting of the following prohibited items on our official account, and if a user posts a prohibited item, we will delete the posted content at our discretion.
  • (1) Content that violates the human rights or privacy of users or our employees
  • (2) Content that violates or defames the rights or property of our company, users, or third parties
  • (3) Any other content that our company deems inappropriate for posting
  • Disclaimer
  • (1) Our company may suspend or discontinue operation of our official account or change the information without notice.
  • (2) Regardless of the reason, we shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the official accounts, or from the interruption or cessation of operation of the official accounts, or changes to the information on the official accounts.

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